Palo Suite vs Palo for Excel

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Martin Ryan
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Palo Suite vs Palo for Excel

Post by Martin Ryan »

After downloading the now free manuals, I managed to delete them so had to re download them. So now I've had to give them my details about six times. Thought I'd register so maybe they'd remember who I am. No such luck. Any new download requires reentering all that info. Must fit that Firefox add-in that remembers all that stuff.

Anyho, it's quite interesting going back to being an absolute beginner, but here's is my newbie question - I just downloaded Palo Suite and all is fine and dandy, but I can't see what I need to do to get it working in Excel. Do I need to download the "Palo for Excel" thing separately? Is Palo trying to go the Web only way, despite their multiple mentions of how MOLAP is an enhancement on Exel?

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Re: Palo Suite vs Palo for Excel

Post by Michel Zijlema »

Hi Martin,

The file should contain a number of zip's and installers. One of them should be the palo_addin_server_win32_etc zip file which contains the installer for the PALO server and client - where the client is the Excel add-in.
If you only want to look at the PALO server and Excel add-in and not at the full Palo Suite you can register at MyPALO. This is a portal where you can just login and download the latest PALO client/server package.

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Re: Palo Suite vs Palo for Excel

Post by Alan Kirk »

Martin Ryan wrote:After downloading the now free manuals, I managed to delete them so had to re download them. So now I've had to give them my details about six times. Thought I'd register so maybe they'd remember who I am. No such luck. Any new download requires reentering all that info. Must fit that Firefox add-in that remembers all that stuff.
Yes, it's not a particularly well put together web site. The navigation isn't great, and they need to invest in an English spell checker :D . As Michel mentioned there's MyPalo which I previously signed up to, and while you can indeed download one package from there (and upgrade to the Enterprise one) the absence of links to the product suite (and documentation) from within MyPalo is bizarre given that adding such links could do away with all of the details-entering.

Thankfully unlike a certain other Web site that has me getting out a battle axe and smashing several large trees to pieces in frustration, it's fairly small and you can usually get to where you need to be... eventually.
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Re: Palo Suite vs Palo for Excel

Post by John Hobson »

I asked Christian Raue (CEO of Jedox) what he thought of these comments and his reply was instantaneous
Indeed this is a problem and we have recognized this already. The good news is that we are currently redesigning the website and the download section. It will be online in January. We then will have a login feature so you don't have to reenter all data before downloading. We are also creating a new setup routine that will make it very easy to have the different versions of Palo installed.
Now try getting that sort of response out of IBM :mrgreen:

Alan- perhaps you should try and let us know if you get a reply :?
John Hobson
The Planning Factory
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