The manuals are now free? This is of interest to me.- Jedox Increases Software downloads to Over 1000 Per Week and now Provides Complete Versions of Palo Manuals for Free Download.
Jedox AG has significantly increased the downloads of Palo, its open source business intelligence (BI) software. Currently, Palo is downloaded considerably more than a thousand times per week. To further extend the circulation of Palo as Europe's leading open source BI software, starting December 1 2010 (sic) Palo will release the manuals for the Palo OLAP Server 3.0 and the Palo ETL Server 3.0 for free download. The two comprehensive manuals were previously only available for a charge.
You do need to complete a form giving your contact details to download them, but that's the same as the software itself.
The links (as per the article above) are:
Palo OLAP Server 3.0 Manual ... nload.html
Palo ETL Server 3.0 Manual ... loads.html
Granted the button which reads Palo-Manuel Download isn't a good look, but I doubt that you'll end up downloading a moustachioed waiter from Barcelona.
Also, I do believe that the article meant to say 2009, not 2010, as per the following statement at the top of the download form:
The year has gone fast, but not that fast.The Palo Manual is now available for download free of charge.