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Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:01 am
by LeeTaylor1979

We are drastically running out of disk space on our server.

C: currently stands at 1.4Gb.

Not having the experience or technical skills of you guys I am having to rely on our IT department to help me with this. :|

3-4 days have been put aside at the end of November to (suggestion of the IT dept)Transfer all from C: to E: and then redirect the server to look at E:.

Like I said my tecnical knowledge is not great so I am after some advice / warning as to whether this is going to work or fall flat on its face.

The guy in IT is confident that if this doesn't work we can revert back to the way it was.

I look forward to your comments and advice.


Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:27 am
by Paul Segal
Hi Lee,

Two-three days to transfer the server and data from one drive to another sounds like a lot of time. I'd reckon on c10 minutes for under 2gb (to be on the generous side), without testing.

Also, have you checked your log files? If your server has been running for any length of time, and you have logging turned on, then these can get big quite quickly. The normal way of getting round this is by saving the log files to the E:\ drive (or somewhere else than the drive with the server data on it), so they don't affect the space necessary for the server data. This can be done through the server .cfg file.


Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:11 am
by jim wood
I would also check for memory dump files. Sometimes when TM1 crashes it creates a dump of what was in memory at the time. I'm not 100% certain if this Unix only, but worth a check non the less,


Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:33 am
by LeeTaylor1979
This is how it stands at the moment.

Size of actual C: 4.87Gb (Far to small the start with so i understand)

Total space left C: 1.48Gb

Size of actual E: 59.5Gb

Total space left E: 23.9Gb (this holds all the livedata file, Logging, Images, Licences etc.)

Every now and then some file are created that eat up the space on the C: these are moved and we get our 1.48Gb back but obviously when the disk runs out of space the services stop.

If this was what you saw in My computer what would you do ?

Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:52 am
by Paul Segal

It's possibly the windows swap file. If TM1 uses the RAM up, it will effectively start using the physical swap file as memory. This could rapidly fill up the available disk space. If this is the case it means your TM1 database is using all the available RAM, so two things: more RAM if possible, and move the swap file to the E drive where it won't run out of space so quickly.


Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 9:44 pm
by stephen waters
Sounds like the low spec PC I bought 4 year ago for my wife at home!

Probably quicker and cheaper to buy a new server, eg Dell Poweredge 1900 with 4 Gb Ram, quad processor, 300 GB Ram @ £1200 ish

Re: Disk Space on Live Server

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:32 am
by jim wood
How are yopu completing the data move? You could always leave the installation where it is and copy the data directories to the other drive. All you need to do then is leave the cfg file in the current folder and change the data directory in there to the new location,
