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For / Next Loop Syntax in TurboIntegrator

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:42 pm
by Alan Kirk
This isn't a thread for new discussion, just one for the record in case anyone searches for it.

As we know the principal loop syntax in TI is the While / End one. Its weaknesses are that (a) it generally requires a counter variable (unless you're testing cube values, for example), and more importantly (b) if you forget to increment that counter you end up with an unending loop which locks up your server. (I doubt that there's one of us who hasn't done that, save for those who hardly write any TI code at all.)

Way back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth I put in a suggestion for a For/Next loop syntax to be added to TI which would eliminate the second problem.

This was more in hope than anticipation given that it would have been a non-trivial change to the language.

This was the response that I received from IBM this morning:
while there is value in this enhancement, given current schedules, that enhancement is not currently planned
Still, at least they're aware of it.