For Modelers and Analysts:
- Conduct a quick audit of a new or legacy model;
- Find potential problem areas and bottlenecks among model objects;
- Quickly retrieve data that may not be very convenient to obtain using standard IBM Planning Analytics (Cognos TM1) tools, for example: which cubes use one or another dimension, cubes sparsity, etc.;
- Get quick visual information about security settings (for example, who has access to the selected cube and access level, or, conversely, which cubes the selected user has access to);
- Monitor data about user activity during the working day on the dashboard;
- Get a list of inactive accounts in order to optimize user licenses;
- Get a visual representation of the Model logical map;
- Evaluate a set of base data to obtain calculated resulting cubes;
- Search for changes in the Model by the new values and view data change in the transaction log using suitable aliases using;
- Determine the Processes that change the data in the target cubes;
- Receive visualized information about the size of cubes and their components, as well as changes in the amount of memory used over time.
There is an opportunity to try the tool on your models.
If interested, you can contact me through LinkedIn.