What's The Current Version, Since When?

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Alan Kirk
Site Admin
Posts: 6619
Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 2:30 am
OLAP Product: TM1
Version: PA2.0.9.18 Classic NO PAW!
Excel Version: 2013 and Office 365
Location: Sydney, Australia

What's The Current Version, Since When?

Post by Alan Kirk »

The Headline
  • PA2 Server:, 10 Jul 2023
  • PASS (Web): 2.0.75, 08 Apr 2022
  • PAW: 2.0.75, 18 Apr 2022
  • PAfE: 2.0.75, 08 Apr 2022
About This Thread
A "short cadence" release cycle is also known as "nobody in the real world has time to test monthly releases, and if certain software companies don't realise that then it speaks volumes about how in touch they are with their customers". Another side effect of this is that it becomes really, really difficult to keep up with what the current individual components are.

The Fix Pack Releases: PA2 / V11 Series thread keeps track of the server software (the Version 10 thread has seen no activity for the last 3 years and has been unpinned to be replaced by this one), but there are other components as well.

As new releases are done they will push down below the older ones so that there is a quick reference to what was current when. This post is a work in progress and as of February 2022 goes back to the start of 2021 for non-server components, further for the server ones. I plan to colour code the types to split them up in the history and make them easier to spot; red for the server since it's critical to a site, green for PAfE because of the colour of Excel, brown for PAW because it's the colour that I most associate with, um,... it.

The thread has been locked to prevent it veering off in "interesting" directions; for any discussions, issues, corrections etc please create a thread in the main forum.

There will be minimal if any details of each release partly to stop post bloat, and partly because IBM tends not to bother giving us clear details of what each version represents. ("Fixed server crash in certain situations" is hardly bubbling over with yummy detailed goodness.) Anything critical will be mentioned.

Server PA2
  • PAL (10 Jul 2023) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.2200.2
Spreadsheet Services (TM1 Web)
  • PASS 2.0.75 (08 Apr 2022) IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.75
Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW)
  • PAW 2.0.75 (18-Apr-21) Planning Analytics Workspace Release 75
Planning Analytics For Excel (PAfE, formerly PAX, also known as PAXL in the downloads, for the love of glub PICK A SODDING NAME, IBM!)
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.75 (08 Apr 2022) IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.75
Note: According to the IBM Lifecycle Download File anything that predates PA2 is out of support.

Server 10.2.2 Support Ended 30 Sep 2019
  • IBM Cognos TM1 10.2.2 Fix Pack 7 Interim Fix 22 (28 Jun 2019)
Server 10.2.0 Support Ended 30 Sep 2018
  • Cognos TM1 Interim Fix 24 (5 April 2018)
End Of Support Summary
  • PA2.0.0 to PA 2.0.8 inclusive: 30 Sep 2022
  • 10.2.2: 30 Sep 2019
  • 10.2.0: 30 Sep 2018
  • 10.1.x: 30 Apr 2017
  • 9.5.x: 30-Sep-2015
  • 9.4.x and Executive Viewer: 30-Sep 2013
  • 2023-07 (Jul)
  • PAL (10 Jul 2023) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.2200.2.
  • 2023-05 (May)
  • PAL (05 May 2023) TM1sd Version Number Unknown.
    CAUTIONl This release (and .16) was pulled because of a failure to calculate rule values in cubes which did not use skipcheck/feeders, as documented here. The version is no longer available for download and users should go straight to (July 2023).
  • 2023-02 (Feb)
  • PAL (28 Feb 2023) TM1sd Version Number Unknown.
    CAUTIONl This release (and .17) was pulled because of a failure to calculate rule values in cubes which did not use skipcheck/feeders, as documented here. The version is no longer available for download and users should go straight to (July 2023).
  • 2022-10 (Oct)
  • PAL (19 Oct 2022) TM1sd Version Number TBA.
  • Main Updates: The Fix List goes on for literally THREE PAGES, so if there is something amiss with your system you may want to peruse it yourself. A lot of these were server crash issues, which are summarised as far as is possible below:
    • When using Performance Monitor;
    • When using an element attribute in internal sandbox dimensions;
    • When using default spreading precision;
    • When using the dimension logger;
    • When using an MDX query using a calculated member when there is no accessible member on one axis;
    • When the server tries to write to an open subset file;
    • When using SaveDataAll then CubeSaveData;
    • Replacing the default MDX with a custom MDX in a cube view in PAW;
    • When building an asymmetric view in PAW.
  • There were also several issues relating to connections and data updates:
    • PrologMinorErrorCount would append instead of resetting when the process is run in a chore.
    • The TI function SetUseActiveSandboxProperty() will cause inconsistent behaviour in sandbox updates;
    • TI processes using an alias may update the wrong cells because of caching;
    • The undocumented StargateOptimizationInRules=T parameter may cause memory stack overflows in views;
    • User DSNs are not selectable as ODBC data sources... not that I would regard that as a bad thing;
    • A DB finction which references an invalid member in a hierarchy would return a total value instead of 0;
    • For MSSQL, the "Use" keyword had been failing after upgrading to
  • 2022-05 (May)
  • PAL (27 May 2022) TM1sd Version Number TBA.
  • Main Updates:
    • Slow updates from ODBC and ODBCOutput. (I presume this was fixed; it's mentioned on the fix list.)
    • Held cells could remain held after a cencel operation.
    • Connection error occurred when ODBCOPen was used with a Unicode data source.
    • Print To Excel snapshot did not work in Perspectives.
  • 2022-04 (Apr)
  • PAL (25 Apr 2022) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.01200.7. Release page.
  • PAW 2.0.75 (18-Apr-21) Planning Analytics Workspace Release 75. Release page.
  • PASS 2.0.75 (08 Apr 2022) IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.75
    • Leading blanks from static validation list should be removed on TM1 Web.
    • Quick report with hierarchy shows no data when published to Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.66.
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.75 (08 Apr 2022) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.75
    • Incorrect behavior when moving the dimension pane in an exploration.
    • Bad request (400) - when creating a report or expanding members under cube with percent character (%) in cube name
    • Unable to open set editor in Planning Analytics for Excel when SUBNM has a wrong element and has no subset specified.
  • 2022-03 (Mar)
  • PAW 2.0.74 (21-Mar-21) Planning Analytics Workspace Release 74
    • This release finally supports Windows Server 2019.
    • There's one significant depreciation item. "The IBM Planning Analytics team intends to remove the capability to remain on Planning Analytics Workspace Classic and preview the Planning Analytics Workspace new experience as part of the Planning Analytics Workspace update in July 2022. The 'new experience' is a major update to the Planning Analytics Workspace user experience released as part of the 2.0.56 update in October 2020."
  • PAL (11 Mar 2022) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.01100.20
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.74 (08 Mar 2022) IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.74
  • PASS 2.0.74 (04 Mar 2022) IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.74
  • 2022-02 (Feb)
  • PAW 2.0.73 (18-Feb-21) Planning Analytics Workspace Release 73
  • PASS 2.0.73 (10 Feb 2022) IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.73
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.73 (04 Feb 2022) IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.73
    • What happened to 71 and 72? for PAfE and PASS?
    • "To simplify and align IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel (PAfE) releases with those across IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW), IBM is labeling its next PAfE release as IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.73."
  • 2022-01 (Jan)
  • PASS 2.0.70 (05 Jan 2022) IBM Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.70
  • 2021-12 (Dec)
  • PAL (23 Dec 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.010000.6
    • This was the last version to include 32 bit Architect and Perspectives.
  • PAW 2.0.72 (21 Dec 2021) Planning Analytics Workspace Release 72
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.70 (20 Dec 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.70
  • PAW 2.0.71 (14 Dec 2021) Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.71
  • 2021-11 (Nov)
  • PAW 2.0.70 (23 Nov 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.70
  • PASS 2.0.69 (09 Nov 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.69
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.69 (05 Nov 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.69
  • 2021-10 (Oct)
  • PAW 2.0.69 (25 Oct 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.69
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.68 (09 Oct 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.68
  • PASS 2.0.68 (08 Oct 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.68
  • 2021-09 (Sep)
  • PAW 2.0.68 (24 Sep 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.68
  • PAL (14 Sep 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00900.3
  • 2021-08 (Aug)
  • PAW 2.0.67 (31 Aug 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.67
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.67 (09 Aug 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.67
  • PASS 2.0.67 (09 Aug 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.67
  • 2021-07 (Jul)
  • PAL (29 Jul 2021) Possible Error.
    • IBM sent out an e-mail on 29 July advising that was available. The link in that e-mail is now dead. It seems unlikely that would be re-released (after it was pulled following initial release; see 28 May 2021) since had been released about 2 weeks earlier. It's more likely that the e-mail was an error.
  • PAW 2.0.66 (23 Jul 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.66
  • PAL (14 Jul 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00800.5
  • PASS 2.0.66 (12 Jul 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.66
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.66 (12 Jul 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.66
  • 2021-06 (Jun)
  • PAW 2.0.65 (26 Jun 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.65
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.65 (18 Jun 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.65
  • PASS 2.0.65 (11 Jun 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.65
  • PAW 2.0.64 (10 Jun 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.64
  • 2021-05 (May)
  • PAL (28 May 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00700.4
    • Withdrawn from release after the discovery of an error in the MDX Aggregate function. See also 29 Jul 21.
  • PASS 2.0.64 (13 May 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.64
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.64 (10 May 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.64
  • 2021-04 (Apr)
  • PAW 2.0.63 (23 Apr 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.63
  • PAL (16 Apr 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00600.6
    • Depreciated server parameters:
    • LockPagesInMemory
    • MTQ.CTreeRedundancyReducer
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.63 (13 Apr 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.63
  • PASS 2.0.63 (12 Apr 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.63
  • 2021-03 (Mar)
  • PAW 2.0.62 (19 Mar 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.62
  • PAL (16 Mar 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00500.12
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.62 (09 Mar 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.62
  • PASS 2.0.62 (08 Mar 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.62
  • 2021-02 (Feb)
  • PAW 2.0.61 (22 Feb 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.61
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.61 (09 Feb 2021) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.61
  • PASS 2.0.61 (09 Feb 2021) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.61
    • This may have been pulled after release. As of February 2022 the links in the release notice no longer work.
  • PAL (08 Feb 2021) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00400.7
    • You can now define security for dimension hierarchies independent of the parent dimension in the }DimensionSecurity control cube.
  • 2021-01 (Jan)
  • PAW 2.0.60 (18 Jan 2021) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.60
  • 2020-12 (Dec)
  • PAL (17 Dec 2020) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00300.34
    • 17 Dec 20 is indeed the date shown on the downloads page. However in the process of compiling this list I found an e-mail from IBM dated 6 December announcing the release. Perhaps there was a bug fix and a quiet re-release? Who knows?
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.60 (17 Dec 2020) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.60
  • PASS 2.0.60 (17 Dec 2020) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.60
  • PAW 2.0.59 (01 Dec 2020) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.59
  • 2020-11 (Nov)
  • PASS 2.0.59 (13 Nov 2020) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.59
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.59 (13 Nov 2020) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.59
  • PAW 2.0.58 (02 Nov 2020) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.58
  • 2020-10 (Oct)
  • PASS 2.0.58 (20 Oct 2020) Planning Analytics Spreadsheet Services 2.0.58
  • PAfE / PAXL / PAX 2.0.58 (20 Oct 2020) Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel 2.0.58
  • PAL (08 Oct 2020) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00200.24
    • PMHub was fully depreciated in this release.
  • PAW 2.0.57 (02 Oct 2020) IBM Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.57
  • 2020-07 (Jul)
  • PAL (27 Jul 2020) TM1sd Version Number 11.8.00100.13
    • TM1 Web's installer was taken out of the server's "Long Cadence" release and is now on the short cadence release along with the Spreadsheet Services installer.
  • PAL (22 May 2020)
  • PAL 2.0.9 IF2.1 (28 Mar 2020)
  • PAL 2.0.9 (17 Dec 2019)
    • The TM1 Operations Console was depreciated in v2.0.9 in favour of IBM Planning Analytics Administration
  • PAL 2.0.8 (17 Jul 2019; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022)
    • Removed relational database sources for TM1 Web.
    • Removed Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ 4.17 (
    • Removed IBM Cognos Package Connector
    • Save confirmation dialog for TM1 Application Web was removed; changes are automatically changed.
  • PAL 2.0.7 (29 Apr 2019; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021)) TM1sd Version Number 11.5
  • PAL 2.0.6 (11 Oct 2018, will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021)) TM1sd version 11.4.00000.21.
  • PAL 2.0.5 (25 Jun 2018; will go out of support on will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
  • PAL 2.0.4 (16 Feb 2018; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
  • PAL 2.0.3 (19 Sep 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
  • PAL 2.02 IF4 and higher(21 Sep 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
    • This version on cannot be downgraded to an earlier version.
  • PAL 2.02 (04 Jun 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
  • PAL 2.0.1 Interim Fix 16 (17 Mar 17; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
  • PAL 2.0.1 Refresh 1 and PAL 2.0.1 Refresh 1 Interim Fix 1 (24 Feb 2017; will go out of support on 30 Sep 2022 (formerly 2021))
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Alan Kirk
Site Admin
Posts: 6619
Joined: Sun May 11, 2008 2:30 am
OLAP Product: TM1
Version: PA2.0.9.18 Classic NO PAW!
Excel Version: 2013 and Office 365
Location: Sydney, Australia

Re: What's The Current Version, Since When?

Post by Alan Kirk »

Updated to include server
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