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Public Subset Alias Turned Off After Dimension Rebuild

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 6:20 pm
by kenship
Hi all,

I just found out that after rebuilding a dimension from load file, alias in dynamic subset will be turned off.

Is there any solution to this?


Re: Public Subset Alias Turned Off After Dimension Rebuild

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:30 pm
by declanr
Just rebuilding a dimension should not remove aliases from that dimensions subsets, if that is happening without any other actions then it would be a bug.
What i expect is happening is that the TI to rebuild the dimension also destroys and recreates the MDX subset from scratch, in which case TM1 would view it as a different subset and not know it should have an alias. If that is the case you just need to add a line to do a subsetaliasset function in the TI after the subset is created.

Re: Public Subset Alias Turned Off After Dimension Rebuild

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 9:59 am
by Steve Rowe
I expect the alias is being recreated during the rebuild rather than just refreshed. Look the function attrdelete function and comment it out. If you have used the TI wizard you need to change the settings relating to the attribute.

Re: Public Subset Alias Turned Off After Dimension Rebuild

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:41 am
by paulsimon

If you look at the subset - has the Alias switch actually been turned off, or is it the case that the Alias switch is still set to show Aliases, but the Aliases are not present?

If it is the former then the dim build must have re-created the subset and not used SubsetSetAlias to assign the Alias.

If it is the latter another possibility is that the Aliases are being set by a rule in the }ElementAttributes_dim cube and that the dimension update has led to the rules being invalidated eg they might refer to a specific element that has been removed by the dim build. Check for any rules on the }ElementAttributes cube.


Paul Simon

Re: Public Subset Alias Turned Off After Dimension Rebuild

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 1:39 pm
by kenship
Thanks! I'll include alias while rebuilding the dimension.