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DBRW connection to two same named instances, on different servers

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:53 am
by AnthonyT
I may be having a mental block, but I am struggling

I am using Excel to connect to two different servers - both having the same name - but on two different servers

I have an instance called Fred - one on a Pre Prod box, the other on a Prod box. There is no chance of changing the name

Normally, on the same worksheet, you can connect to multiple instances - if their names are different - but here I am trying to compare a Prod and Pre Prod instance's objects - to make sure they align

Any ideas appreciated

Re: DBRW connection to two same named instances, on different servers

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:17 am
by Paul Segal
This won't work in Perspectives. It will use the server instance with the first named admin host in options (so, if admin hosts is set to server1;server2 both with instances called Fred, then the server1 Fred will take precedence). For access from Excel, you won't be able to do what you want. It might be possible in PAX but I haven't tried it yet.

Re: DBRW connection to two same named instances, on different servers

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:48 am
by AnthonyT
Thanks Paul

I've tried every way possible to connect to theses instances - to compare objects relationship / size / existence etc - without success. Just wondered if someone had managed it using an Admin Host prefix or something

I guess not

Re: DBRW connection to two same named instances, on different servers

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:02 pm
by tomok
You probably should have talked to a qualified consultant before setting up your environments. Anyone worth their weight in salt would have advised you not to name your services the same for this very reason. If I were you I would push back on the "There is no chance of changing the name".

Re: DBRW connection to two same named instances, on different servers

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 11:33 am
by Paul Segal
Although under some (carefully controlled) circumstances it can be a useful fail-over device. If server1:fred isn't available, and if server1;server2 are the admin hosts, then server2:fred will become available. Obviously it depends on how data is loaded, replicated, etc, as to how up-to-date server2:fred is, but it does work.