Slice & Dice?

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Slice & Dice?

Post by Lisalein »


i have a little problem to understand slice & dice correctly. Maybe someone can tell me if I am right...

Lets say we got a cube with the Dimensions:

Time: (Jan.;Feb.;March....)
Region: (Town A, Town B, Town C, Town D)
Product: (Prod A, Prod B, Prod C, Prod D)

and I want to calculate the volume of sales.

Examples for Slice:
- Volume of sales for product a. (Shows a table with all regions and dates of product a)
- Volume of sales in town b. (Shows a table with all products and dates in town b)

Examples for Dice:
- Volume of sales for products a and b in town c and d (all times).
- Volume of sales for products a,b,c in town a and c in january and february.

Are these examples correct?

Thank you very much,
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Re: Slice & Dice?

Post by Steve Rowe »

Hi Lisa,

I'm not aware that a Slice and a Dice have explicit meanings and definitions as such. "Silce & Dice" really means "manipulate the cube (rearange the dimensions and elements) until you get to the view you want and then report on it".

Not much of an answer I know...

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