Should an invalid Assign Client To Group throw an error

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The AssignClientToGroup Function

IBM should document that it won't error on invalid input
It should throw an error on invalid input
Something else, as posted
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Alan Kirk
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Should an invalid Assign Client To Group throw an error

Post by Alan Kirk »

I have something which borders on being a bug, though it may be (arguably) an undocumented feature.

There are some commands in TI which will not throw an error even if the input is valid. SubsetDestroy, when called with a non-existent subset name, comes to mind. This is useful behaviour (since you don't need to check whether the subset exists first), but I've recently encountered one which just seems odd.

AssignClientToGroup will not throw an error if the client doesn't exist, if the group doesn't exist, or if both don't exist.

At the very least IMHO that should be added to the documentation. At most, it should throw an error.

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Re: Should an invalid Assign Client To Group throw an error

Post by lotsaram »

I haven't ever noticed this since I always make sure there's a DIMIX test on }Clients and }Groups before using this function since I would always want to trap this and know about it anyway. But thanks for pointing it out. I'm with you - it would make sense to throw a minor error.
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