TM1 10.2 and BI 10.2.1 security - did it wrong - part 2

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TM1 10.2 and BI 10.2.1 security - did it wrong - part 2

Post by dkleist »

So, in the process of setting up Cognos security for TM1 10.2, I got this:

The TM1Web service parameter was not specified or is not one of the configured locations
and then later on, this:
The Planning service parameter was not specified or is not one of the configured locations

The values specified pointed to the correct machine so it took a bit to figure out. Both errors resolved for me by specifying the short name for the server instead of the FQDN like in the example in files planning.html and in tm1web.html.

I don't think it was the format itself but rather the consistent use of one or the other format. I had been using the short name for the server in Cognos Configuration (BI and TM1 both), and I think the callback process for the C10 just scans session data to match up the return services URI specified (from a brief glance at the javascript). I used FQDN for the server in the files, so the search would not find a match. It worked after all were consistent, but I didn't test the reverse with all specifications as FQDN. Just wanted to note this in case anyone makes as many mistakes as I do.
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