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SubNM changes subset

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:44 am
by Joris

(Excuses if this question is trivial or not well written, but I don't have lot of experience with Active Forms)

I've got an Excel where the user can select an element from a dimension (only Level 0, no consolidations). With "Level 0" as a subset containing only the leafs, I get something like this:

=SUBNM("Server:Costcenter";"Level 0";"0000000000";"Costcenter description")

So the user clicks the cell containing this formula and is able to choose a different costcenter. The problem arises when the user has presses "All" and/or a different subset. When they do that the name of the subset disappears from the formula:

=SUBNM("Server:Costcenter";"";"1111111111";"Costcenter description")

When they now click on that cell again they only see an empty subset and no way to choose another costcenter anymore.

Does anybody have an idea how to "lock" the subset to avoid this from happening?


Re: SubNM changes subset

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:56 pm
by wheeler6

Yeah this can be a bit of a pain in the butt. Unfortunately, I do not think there is a way around it other than having the user access the excel sheet over the web.
